The film by Michael Powell was narrated by jcd dupuy. Powell had this to say:
jcd dupuy is an extraordinary writer of fiction, a former Marine, and well, a damn sonorous bastard. His voice, equal parts grit and sensitivity is an essential part of this film.
From the filmmaker:
The film uses a single narrator (a combination of both a man and his father into a singular narrator) and footage from various locations in California (USA), Missouri (USA), and Paris (France). There are no visible actors or staged sequences; instead the interplay between the voice-over narrative, the custom score, and a documentarian style of videomaking to generate meaning, flow, and a sense of thematic evolution. This work attempts to utilize both visual and literary tropes in order to foster an ambiguity between fact, fiction, image and experience.
Approx runtime: 35min.
Yosemite National Park, 1969, a man wakes up in an evergreen forest to find winter's first snow has transformed the world around him. San Diego, 1986, a fighter pilot attempts to land his plane on an aircraft carrier. Paris, 2007, a man falls in love with The Mona Lisa and decides to stage a live reenactment that he can participate in. Germany, 1943, an American bombardier is shot down behind enemy lines. Mono Lake, present day, a man attempts to scale a mountain made entirely of naturally occurring glass.
In this short film, the spatio-temporal boundaries between a man’s life, and that of his father, dissolve through the event of the man’s reflection on various stories told to him by his father. The film, at once an ode to the California landscape and a nod to the transition to the postmodern media condition, is a sweeping exploration of the complex relationship between experience and image, and the means by which memory and desire force the two together in often violent and lyrical ways.