Noir at the Bar
Saturday's N@B event at Meshuggah in St. Louis. Featuring: J. Christopher Dupuy, John Hornor Jacobs, Dan O'Shea and Tawny Leech.
"Dupuy followed with a piece called Sometimes You Stay Away Longer which went down smooth and funny right up until that very last line which... turned everything a little icky."
I turn everything a bit icky
In Their Turn
The film by Michael Powell was narrated by jcd dupuy. Powell had this to say:
jcd dupuy is an extraordinary writer of fiction, a former Marine, and well, a damn sonorous bastard. His voice, equal parts grit and sensitivity is an essential part of this film.
From the filmmaker:
The film uses a single narrator (a combination of both a man and his father into a singular narrator) and footage from various locations in California (USA), Missouri (USA), and Paris (France). There are no visible actors or staged sequences; instead the interplay between the voice-over narrative, the custom score, and a documentarian style of videomaking to generate meaning, flow, and a sense of thematic evolution. This work attempts to utilize both visual and literary tropes in order to foster an ambiguity between fact, fiction, image and experience.
Approx runtime: 35min.
Yosemite National Park, 1969, a man wakes up in an evergreen forest to find winter's first snow has transformed the world around him. San Diego, 1986, a fighter pilot attempts to land his plane on an aircraft carrier. Paris, 2007, a man falls in love with The Mona Lisa and decides to stage a live reenactment that he can participate in. Germany, 1943, an American bombardier is shot down behind enemy lines. Mono Lake, present day, a man attempts to scale a mountain made entirely of naturally occurring glass.
In this short film, the spatio-temporal boundaries between a man’s life, and that of his father, dissolve through the event of the man’s reflection on various stories told to him by his father. The film, at once an ode to the California landscape and a nod to the transition to the postmodern media condition, is a sweeping exploration of the complex relationship between experience and image, and the means by which memory and desire force the two together in often violent and lyrical ways.
Rules of Engagement" Performance
This Friday, October 19th, jcd dupuy in collaboration with conceptual artists Jose Garza and Michael Powell, will host “ Rules of Engagement” at the Lewis Center’s 1st floor atrium/ installation space.
This non-traditional reading will incorporate video, found audio and performance taking place in two rooms simultaneously.
This event promptly begins at 8 p.m. Refreshments will be served.
The event took place in two rooms. In one room Dupuy read an excerpt titled “Dearborn” sitting at a table with a mechanics snake light hanging down from the ceiling. The only chair was the one Dupuy sat on. Audience members could choose to stand, sit on the floor, get a drink or walk to the other room.
In the other room was a simulated live-feed of the reading without sound and a video created by Powell and Garza blending drone strike audio footage with a continuous loop of a group of artists standing around a grocery store parking lot. That group included: Whitney Polich, Zak Smoker, Erin During, and J. Christopher Dupuy.
Also in the room were 500 sheets of a Burroughs-esque cut-up of the text that was being read along with instructions on how to make a paper airplane.
Powell and dupuy- photo by Garza.
St. Louis Clemens Ave Apartments
A night of fiction, not a fictional night. Food and Drinks provided.
Reading with four other fictionists in a dirty apartment chosen because the tenant was convinced he would finally clean if he hosted an event. He had been living there for months and still hadn't unpacked and the place was littered with empty beer cans and food scraps. He finished clearing out all the garbage moments before the first guest arrived.
We had a budget of 100$ USD that was supposed to be spent on food and beverages, perhaps some wine, beer, cheese and crackers, but it was decided that the money was better spent on cheap beer and Cheez-Its®
There was after party social gathering that turned into a dance party and lasted until four am.
About 70 people showed up. One of the guests and one of the writers started dating that night and got married (later, two years, I believe) and I suppose, in their own fashion, they will live happily ever after.
Portrait of the writer after the reading
Word Virus
The Process Presents: WORD VIRUS
The Process will be showcasing some willing mouths and what comes out of them.
The promotional poster for the event (shown on the right) was designed and created by the amazing artist Andrew Kirkpatrick.
Shelley Hirsch
J.A. Deane
Idris Goodwin
Melody Sumner Carnahan
Michael Sumner
Rod Harrison
j. Christopher Dupuy
Damon Griffith
Sabrina Griffith
Daniel Drell
The Process' long awaited spoken word event reevaluates traditional paradigms of the genre, not by hosting a simple reading of works, but instead by offering a multi-media exploration of "words" through performance, action and film।
A still captured of dupuy reading at Word Virus
Shelley Hirsch-
Legendary performance artist, avant garde vocalist and multiple NEA recipient Shelley Hirsch is a renown figure in the avant garde community. Shelley is "an unorthodox, extraordinary fusion of vocalist, composer, and performance artist "(Anne LeBaron) whose work encompasses story telling pieces, staged performances, compositions, improvisations, collaborations, installations, and radioplays, which have been presented on 5 continents...with collaborators like John Zorn, Anthony Coleman, Marc Ribot, Christian Marclay, Elliot Sharp, Derek Bailey, Fred Frith, DJ Olive, Mark Dresser, David Shea and Ikue Mori, just to name a few. Selley will be bringing her 1,000 inner voices to do some rare solo pieces along with improvisational duets with local favorite J.A. Deane.
J.A. Deane-
Another collaborator of John Zorn, Dino has worked with everyone from Ike and Tina Turner to Brian Eno, Jim O'Rourke, Jon Hassell and Butch Morris. He now conducts the Out of Context ensemble here in Santa Fe and explores the improvisation hand signal language of "conduction" developed by Butch Morris. Dino will be performing with Shelley Hirsch.
Idris Goodwin-
Idris is an award winning hip hop playwright, break beat poet, recording artist and teacher committed to making work that incites, inspires, and engages. The NEA awarded Idris a Playwright-in-Residence grant to explore hip-hop aesthetics in theater. Idris' break beat poetry was featured on season six of Russell Simmons' HBO Def Poetry Jam as well as the Spoken Word Revolution Redux Anthology.
Melody Sumner Carnahan-
"The most musical prose since Gertrude Stein." -- Village Voice.
Melody studied with Robert Ashley at Mills College and has published inumerable short stories and essays. Melody has received fellowships, awards and acknowledgements from the NEA, Art Institute of Chicago, New American Radio, NYC's Experimental Intermedia Foundation, Tokyo's NTT/ICC, Atlantic Center for the Arts, University of Technology in Sydney, Australia and the Whitney Museum of American Art. She currently runs the Burning Books small press with Michael Sumner.
Michael Sumner-
In 1979 Michael co-founded Burning Books with writer Melody Sumner Carnahan. He has published nineteen books of, and about, avant-garde music, art, and literature. He has also worked as a graphic artist and book designer, producing books for publishers and museums, including the Guggenheim Museum, and the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. Michael's work has been shown in the Ann Arbor Film Festival, the San Francisco Art Institute Film Festival, the San Francisco Cinematheque, the Polyphonix International Festival, the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition and the World Print Competition.
Rod Harrison-
Many know him as his alter-ego, Jimmy the Carrot, a suave, gin guzzling throwback to the days of the emcee, or from his outstanding work with Theater Grottesco, or as the sullen bee in those T-Mobile ads, or possibly as the Marquis De Rod in a HBO special about naked oil wrestling, or even as "The Voice" in Whole Foods, a character he based on Gary Owens from Laugh-in. Now you can see him demonstrate his acting prowess as the infamous hipster, Lord Buckley in a reenactment of Buckley's debauched delivery of death defying discourses.
j. Christopher Dupuy-
j. christopher dupuy has worked as a Harley-Davidson mechanic, a bartender, a dj, a dishwasher, a golf caddy, a computer tech, managed an independent music store, at a temp staffing agency and served over four years in the Marine Corps. He is currently working on a novel.
Damon & Sabrina Griffith-
Known locally as the leaders of The Bullseal! Consortium, a raucous, Beefheart-esque, yet strangely euphonic bohemian ensemble spouting impossible verse, this couple have put their fingers into virtually every type of creative art known to man from crafting puppets and poetry to crafting the reality that surrounds them.
Daniel Drell-
Terkltoyser is a bemused fictive entity, residing primarily but not exclusively upon his own hard drive; an irresponsible helical VortexT, likely to wreak all manner of mischief, malfunction and malfeasance upon the lavish systems of control our seductive suburban demiurge deems sweet and useful. Carhorns blare, windshield wipers and supermarket doors operate with violent and unexpected abandon. All roads lead to Cleveland.
Shelly Hirsch flew in from New York and the event was written up in the New Mexian, Pasatiempo, and the Santa Fe Reporter.